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Prevention Toolkits

WMMHC Prevention Services Team has developed evidence-based toolkits to help parents, caregivers, and friends identify the signs of substance use in someone they care about, what they can do to help, and contact information for your local Montana prevention specialists. 

These toolkits are free for distribution and can be used by anyone, with attribution. Toolkits are intended only as a guide and are not a substitute for emergency, clinical, or professional care. No toolkit can cover every scenario or be specific to any person. 

For questions on toolkits, to request guidelines for other conditions, or to request specific lectures or training sessions, 

please get in touch with us.






Parent Resources

Parent / Caregiver Resources

WMMHC Logo White

Western Montana Mental Health Center 
1321 Wyoming St, Missoula, MT  59801
Phone: (406) 532-8400  

Fax: (406) 356-5213 


All information submitted on our website is private and confidential.  Your treatment experience is strictly private and confidential, protected by federal and state law.

WMMHC will not deny services due to race, color, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, housing status, or inability to pay.

© 2020-2025 By Western Montana Mental Health Center

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