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Our Stories

Our stories of hope, meaningful life choices and wonderful outcomes.

Joe's Story

Joe's Story

"So I was basically ready to just OD and die. This, from somebody who was given everything."

Laura's Story

Laura's Story

"They did try to commit me to Warm Springs, which was really ironic, because I was there with the same people and the judge who I worked with when I committed people to the state hospital before."

Brandi's Story

Brandi's Story

"Fear has always crippled me. Then I learned that courage is not the lack o fear, but acting in spite of it."

Lisa's Story

Lisa's Story

"They took my kids away. I wanted to break the cycle of addiction and dysfunction for my family."

George's Story

George's Story

"I pretty much committed myself. I said to them, I don't have nothing else to do, I think I just got fired."

Caleb's Story

Caleb's Story

"I was afraid that I wouldn't have fun again when I was in treatment."

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Western Montana Mental Health Center 
1321 Wyoming St, Missoula, MT  59801
Phone: (406) 532-8400  

Fax: (406) 356-5213 


All information submitted on our website is private and confidential.  Your treatment experience is strictly private and confidential, protected by federal and state law.

WMMHC will not deny services due to race, color, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, housing status, or inability to pay.

© 2020-2025 By Western Montana Mental Health Center

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